2020. 2. 27.

한국근세오만분지일지형도_조선총독부 - 스탠포드대 소장 자료, 그러나 대한민국이 최고

우와... 이것은 예술이여...ㅎ

Interactive index to the map set for Korea, 1:50,000 (朝鮮五萬分之一地形圖: 1:50,000 Topo of Korea). Green index grids indicate maps from this set that are in the Stanford collection and available to view and download, red grids indicate maps from this set that are not in the Stanford collection.


전체지도 인덱스

Interactive index to the map set for Korea 1:25,000 (二万五千分一地形圖 - Niman-gosenbun no ichi chikeizu). Green index grids indicate maps from this set that are in the Stanford collection and available to view and download, red grids indicate maps from this set that are not in the Stanford collection.


스탠포드랑 일본 등 자료 잘 되어 있는줄 알았지만...
우리나라 대한민국이 최고...ㅎㅎㅎ


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