2022. 6. 19.

서울시, 유네스코 자문기구 이코모스 CIVVIH 총회 유치 성공



서울시, 유네스코 자문기구 이코모스 CIVVIH 총회 유치 성공

2014-12-17 08:59

서울--(뉴스와이어) 2014년 12월 17일 -- 서울시가 2017년 한양도성을 세계유산으로 정식 등재를 추진 중인 가운데, 세계유산 등재를 총괄하는 국제기구 유네스코 공식 자문기구인 이코모스(ICOMOS)의 전문가 회의인 CIVVIH의 제33차 총회가 오는 '16년 5월 아시아 최초로 서울에서 열린다.

CIVVIH(International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages)는 이코모스 산하 28개 학술위원회 중 하나로, ‘82년 헝가리에서 창립해 지금까지 30년 넘게 이코모스의 ’역사도시·마을' 관련 세계유산 등재 추천과 등재유산 모니터링을 수행해 오고 있다.

CIVVIH 총회는 '82년부터 매년 1회 역사도시 전문가들이 모인 가운데 개최되며 권위 있는 논문들을 발표해온 유네스코 세계유산 분야의 대표적 학술회의로, 30개국의 회원 및 세계유산 관련 NGO 등 100여 명이 참석한다.

서울시는 지난달 13일 이탈리아 피렌체에서 열린 이코모스 총회에서 ‘제33회 이코모스 CIVVIH 총회’의 서울 유치가 최종 확정됐다고 17일(수) 밝혔다. 이날 총회에는 이코모스 코리아 이혜은 위원장과 송인호 사무총장이 참석했다.

시는 한양도성의 세계유산 정식 등재를 위해 이코모스 코리아와 등재신청서 작성 등을 협력 중이며, 서울시와 성곽도시 서울의 역사적 위상을 높이고 전 세계적 네트워크 구축을 위해 관련 회의 유치 협의를 지속 추진해왔다.

시는 총회 개최를 통해 세계유산 관련 NGO 등 전문가들에게 한양도성의 역사적 가치와 시민들의 보존 의지, 한양도성 주변 마을재생 등 시에서 선도적으로 추진하는 사업을 진정성 있게 홍보하는 한편, 심도 깊은 자문을 받을 수 있는 좋은 계기가 될 것으로 기대했다.

시는 총회의 성공개최를 위해 이코모스 코리아와 내년 업무협약을 체결하고 필요한 행정적·재정적 지원에 최선을 다한다는 계획이다.

‘제33회 이코모스 CIVVIH 총회’는 '16년 5월 중 4박 5일 일정으로, ▲자체 학술심포지움 및 총회 ▲한양도성과 서울 소재 세계유산 답사 등으로 이어질 예정이다.

한편, 서울시는 지난 ‘09년 한양도성을 세계유산 추진대상으로 선정한 이후 한양도성의 진정성 있는 보존과 관리를 위해 노력한 결과, 문화재청으로부터 오는 ’16년 유네스코 등재 추진 대상으로 선정됐으며, '17년 유네스코 등재 여부가 최종 결정된다.

심말숙 서울시 한양도성도감과장은 “한양도성의 세계유산 등재를 앞두고 유치한 이코모스 CIVVIH 총회가 세계적인 역사문화 전문가들이 한양도성의 가치를 현장에서 평가하고 성곽도시 서울의 역사적 위상을 높이는 계기가 되기를 바란다”며 “앞으로도 권위 있는 국제회의를 지속 유치해 문화유산 보존 강국으로서의 국제적 선도 역할을 수행해 나가겠다”고 말했다.

웹사이트: http://www.seoul.go.kr

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2022. 6. 15.

Capacity building for everyone… Including the Advisory Bodies!

 Capacity building for everyoneIncluding the Advisory Bodies!


Practitioners working with heritage in diverse capacities all need to stay up-to-date with the field. To this end, the three Advisory Bodies of the World Heritage Convention ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) joined forces in May 2022 for the 2nd Advisory Bodies Networking Activity. The activity brought together 40 natural and cultural heritage professionals working with the Advisory Bodies and World Heritage-related UNESCO Category 2 Centres.


Impact Assessment SessionThe Advisory Bodies Networking Activity, a capacity-building effort coordinated by the World Heritage Leadership Programme (WHLP), targets the three Advisory Bodies and their networks. It provides an opportunity to build the Advisory Bodies’ capacity to fulfill their responsibilities in World Heritage evaluation and monitoring and in providing quality advice and support in upstream processes. The Advisory Bodies Activity offers a platform for natural and cultural heritage practitioners to exchange insights and reflect on new World Heritage resources and future capacity-building needs, drawing on their real-world experiences.


This session welcomed the participation of colleagues from World Heritage Category 2 Centres: the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH), the Regional World Heritage Institute in Zacatecas (IRPMZ), the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITRAP-Shanghai) and the Wildlife Institute of India (WII). They play an essential role in implementing regional capacity-building activities and in advising and supporting States Parties and sites.


EoH sessionThis second edition of the Advisory Bodies Networking Activity was held online and was the first since the outbreak of COVID-19. The first edition took place in September 2018 at ICCROM Headquarters in Rome, with a field trip to World Heritage site Villa Adriana in nearby Tivoli. The gathering focused on understanding and improving the Advisory Bodies’ approaches and procedures.


The recent Advisory Bodies activity focused on two forthcoming World Heritage resource manuals the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context and Enhancing Our Heritage Toolkit 2.0. We discussed how these tools can best support site managers, national focal points and States Parties to implement the World Heritage Convention on-the-ground and improve the management and conservation of World Heritage properties.


Future Advisory Bodies networking activities and workshops will explore how upcoming revised manuals on managing World Heritage and disaster risk management can further support heritage professionals working in evaluation, advisory and monitoring tasks on behalf of the Advisory Bodies.

2022. 6. 11.

The „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung“ (German association for fortification research)


What is the DGF? The „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung“ (German association for fortification research) was set up in 1981 and is a non-profit association, promoting the scientific research of fortresses and the practical translation of won perceptions in the range of presentation and documentation plus in the safeguard of the cultural and environmental heritage and landscape protection. Their members are historians, geographers, architects, engineers, town planners, museum experts, teachers, local politicians, committed citizens. 


“50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe” hosted and organised by International Cultural Centre, ICOMOS Poland and City of Kraków


Unesco ENG from Blu Experience on Vimeo.

Heritage Forum of Central Europe


2022. 6. 9.

50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention


We are pleased to welcome you to the international conference “50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe” hosted and organised by International Cultural Centre, ICOMOS Poland and City of Kraków.

The conference theme
The conference theme – Achievements and Challenges in Europe – aims to help give an account of the successes, assess the current state of heritage protection, reflect on forecasts and tasks for the future.
The discussion will be divided into six thematic sessions to address the following issues:

  1. The achievements and experiences of the World Heritage Convention in Europe.
  2. The experiences and issues/challenges of European cities and villages inscribed on the World Heritage List.
  3. The WHL – trends and obstacles. Changes in the implementation of the Convention.
  4. The potential to apply the experiences gleaned from the WHL system in national heritage protection systems.
  5. The need for modifications to the WH system arising out of European experiences.
  6. Cooperation within the Visegrad Group as an example of regional concern for WHL sites.

Please see the programme for more details.

The conference will be held in person at International Cultural Centre in Krakow and online.

Cost of participation
Virtual and in-person participation is free of charge. We invite you to sign up!

“50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe” is an event addressed to heritage researchers, practitioners, students but also to any heritage lovers interested in finding out more about the changes taking place in the field and to anyone who just wants to understand heritage.

English with translation into Polish.

The conference schedule is given in Central European Summer Time (GMT+2)

Register for the virtual participation.
Registration for the in-person participation is now CLOSED.

The first day of the conference, June 8, is closed to the public (due to internal meeting of ICOMOS).
The conference is open to the public on June 9 and 10.

Join the event on Facebook and we’ll keep you posted all key developments.

What is International Data Week


What is International Data Week from CODATA on Vimeo.

2022. 6. 6.

5 June 2022 Jungheungsa Temple Stay

  형민스님, prof. 심우일, 김민정, 이da, 박현욱, 마들렌, 찬들라, 윤희, 일론카, 그리고 많이...ㅎ


2022. 6. 2.



[시리즈] 경제포커스 문화칼럼) 박현욱과 문화유산

[시리즈]문화칼럼 1) 문화유산과 전쟁 그리고 국제푸른방패 2022.03.23. 19:57


[시리즈]문화칼럼 2) 문화유산과 기후변화 2022.04.18. 20:09


[시리즈]문화칼럼 3) 유네스코와 세계유산 2022.05.25. 13:25



this is the web site for the ferry boat to IF
price is 11boat+ 6(visit)
access to IF*
closed on Monday
IF : 1710:30 to 6pm
ND DAME DE LA GARDE: Free everyday from 7am to 6 pm
Fort ST Nicolas : need to call
Fort de Bouc : access restricted
Tarascon :From May to September, open 7 days a week, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.