2023. 12. 25.

디지털 스테이지 Digital Stage


최근 예술의 전당이 공연 실황 녹화를 시청할 수 있는 VOD 및 스트리밍 플랫폼 '디지털 스테이지 Digital Stage'를 오픈한 것을 아시나요?
클래식, 발레, 연극, 국악, 오페라, 어린이 등 다양한 장르의 공연이 올라와 있습니다.
유료 플랫폼으로 운영될 예정인데 2024년 12월까지 1년간은 무료입니다.
좋은 공연이 많으니 꼭 보세요.

2023. 11. 30.

일본의 가로를 걷다


  • 머리말 한국의 독자들에게 _가리야 유가
    옮긴이의 말 일본의 오래된 가로에서 만나는 역사와 문화 _한필원
    총론 일본의 역사 마을·가로 보존을 위한 노력

    1부. 홋카이도와 도호쿠의 가로
    1-1 하코다테시 모토마치·스에히로초 _홋카이도
    1-2 히로사키시 나카초 _아오모리현
    1-3 구로이시시 나카마치 _아오모리현
    1-4 가네가사키초 조나이스와코지 _이와테현 이사와군
    1-5 센보쿠시 가쿠노다테 _아키타현
    1-6 쓰루오카시 하구로마치 도게 _야마가타현
    1-7 사카타시 산쿄창고 _야마가타현
    1-8 아이즈와카마쓰시 나누카마치도리 등 _후쿠시마현
    1-9 시모고마치 오우치주쿠 _후쿠시마현 미나미아이즈군
    1-10 미나미아이즈마치 옛 이나촌·옛 난고촌 _후쿠시마현 미나미아이즈군

    2부. 간토의 가로
    2-1 사쿠라가와시 마카베 _이바라키현
    2-2 도치기시 가우에몬초 _도치기현
    2-3 닛코시 닛코의 신사와 사찰 _도치기현
    2-4 간라마치 오바타 _군마현 간라군
    2-5 이세사키시 사카이시마무라 _군마현
    2-6 도미오카시 옛 도미오카제사장 _군마현
    2-7 안나카시 우스이고개 철도시설 _군마현
    2-8 가와고에시 가와고에 _사이타마현
    칼럼 가와고에 거리에서 재현된 조선통신사 행렬
    2-9 가토리시 사와라 _지바현
    2-10 도쿄역과 마루노우치 일대 _도쿄도 지요다구
    2-11 요코하마시 미나토미라이와 간나이 _가나가와현
    2-12 요코하마시 야마테 _가나가와현

    3부. 주부의 가로
    3-1 다카오카시 야마초스지 _도야마현
    3-2 난토시 아이노쿠라 _도야마현
    3-3 가나자와시 히가시야마 히가시와 가즈에마치 _이시카와현
    3-4 가나자와시 나가마치 _이시카와현
    3-5 나가노시 젠코지와 문전마을 _나가노현
    3-6 다카야마시 산마치·시모니노마치·오신마치 _기후현
    3-7 미노시 미노마치 _기후현
    3-8 기후시 가와라마치 _기후현
    3-9 시라카와무라 오기마치 _기후현 오노군

    4부. 간사이의 가로
    4-1 오쓰시 사카모토 사토보 _시가현
    4-2 오미하치만시 하치만 _시가현
    칼럼 조선통신사가 다녀간 길
    4-3 오미하치만시 마루야마초·기타노쇼초 _시가현
    4-4 히가시오미시 고카쇼콘도 _시가현
    4-5 히노초 무라이·오쿠보 _시가현 가모군
    4-6 교토시 니시혼간지 사찰마을 _교토부
    칼럼 노래로 외우는 교토 시내 길 이름
    4-7 교토시 야마호코초 _교토부
    4-8 교토시 산조도리 일대 _교토부
    4-9 교토시 기온신바시 자야마을 _교토부
    4-10 교토시 기온마치미나미가와 _교토부
    4-11 교토시 산네이자카 _교토부
    4-12 교토시 도시샤대학·도시샤여자대학 _교토부
    컬럼 도시샤대학의 정지용, 윤동주 시비
    4-13 교토시 요시다카구라오카 _교토부
    4-14 교토시 난젠지 일대 _교토부
    4-15 교토시 비와코 도수로와 오카자키공원 _교토부
    4-16 교토시 후시미가도 _교토부
    4-17 교토시 후시미 미나미하마 _교토부
    칼럼 ‘우토로’ 마을 - 차별과 편견을 넘어 미래로
    4-18 교토시 가미가모 _교토부
    4-19 교토시 사가토리이모토 _교토부
    4-20 교토시 구라마 _교토부
    4-21 난탄시 미야마초 기타 _교토부
    4-22 마이즈루시 기타스이 _교토부
    칼럼 마이즈루만에 침몰한 우키시마호
    4-23 이네초 이네우라 _교토부 요사군
    4-24 요사노초 가야 _교토부 요사군
    4-25 돈다바야시시 돈다바야시 사찰마을 _오사카부
    4-26 고베시 기타노초 야마모토도리 _효고현
    4-27 단바사사야마시 사사야마 _효고현
    칼럼 단바사사야마의 ‘조선어’ 학교터

    5부. 주고쿠와 시코쿠의 가로
    5-1 구라요시시 우쓰부키타마가와 _돗토리현
    5-2 다이센초 도코로고 _돗토리현 사이하쿠군
    5-3 다카하시시 후키야 _오카야마현
    5-4 다케하라시 다케하라 _히로시마현
    5-5 후쿠야마시 도모초 _히로시마현
    칼럼 조선통신사가 칭찬한 도모의 절경
    5-6 이와쿠니시 이와쿠니 성하마을과 긴타이교 _야마구치현
    5-7 야나이시 후루이치 가나야 _야마구치현
    5-8 우치코초 요카이치 고코쿠 _에히메현 기타군
    5-9 니이하마시 옛 벳시 구리광산 _에히메현
    5-10 니이하마시 호시고에초 _에히메현

    6부. 규슈와 오키나와의 가로
    6-1 아리타초 아리타우치야마 _사가현 니시마쓰우라군
    칼럼 아리타 자기의 시조가 된 조선인 도공들
    6-2 나가사키시 히가시야마테 _나가사키현
    6-3 나가사키시 미나미야마테 _나가사키현
    6-4 나가사키시 나카지마천 석교군 _나가사키현
    6-5 다케토미초 다케토미섬 _오키나와현 야에야마군

    옮긴이의 말 작업을 마무리하며 _하기와라 메구미
    용어 해설

2023. 11. 26.

자료분류 - 주제분류/子部/兵家類




유튜브 자막 추출법 및 챗GPT 활용한 내용 요약하기


Khara-Khoto (Chinese: 黑水城; Mongolian: Хар хот (Khar Khot); "black city") is an abandoned city in the Ejin Banner of Alxa League in western Inner Mongolia, China, near the Juyan Lake Basin. Built in 1032, the city thrived under the rule of the Western Xia dynasty. It has been identified as the city of Etzina, which appears in The Travels of Marco Polo, and Ejin Banner is named after this city.


Nicolas Tournadre and Hiroyuki Suzuki. 2023. The Tibetic Languages: an introduction to the family of languages derived from Old Tibetan LACITO-Publications, Linguistic Diversity 2, 1151 p., 17 maps, ISBN : 978-2-490768-08-0


Conserving the authentic: essays in honour of Jukka Jokilehto


Justification of the WH Criteria


  • III. Justification of the WH Criteria
    • Thematic Framework
    1. Criterion (i) (Masterpiece)
    2. Criterion (ii) (Values/Influences)
    3. Criterion (iii) (Testimony)
    4. Criterion (iv) (Typology)
    5. Criterion (v) (Land-Use)
    6. Criterion (vi) (Associations)
    7. Criterion (vii) (Natural Beauty)

Outstanding Universal Value

 The Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of a World Heritage site refers to its cultural and/or natural significance, which is so exceptional that it transcends national boundaries and holds common importance for present and future generations of all humanity1. In other words, it represents the essence of what makes a site truly remarkable and universally valuable.

To be included on the World Heritage List, a site must meet at least one out of ten selection criteria. These criteria are outlined in the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Here are the ten criteria:

  1. Representing Human Creative Genius: The site is a masterpiece of human creativity.
  2. Interchange of Human Values: It exhibits important cultural exchanges over time or within a specific cultural area.
  3. Unique Testimony to Tradition or Civilization: The site bears exceptional testimony to a living or vanished cultural tradition or civilization.
  4. Outstanding Architectural or Technological Example: It exemplifies significant stages in human history through architecture, technology, or landscape design.
  5. Representing Traditional Human Settlements: It showcases a traditional settlement, land-use, or sea-use representative of a culture.
  6. Association with Events, Traditions, Ideas, or Beliefs: It is directly associated with events, living traditions, ideas, or artistic and literary works of universal significance.
  7. Superlative Natural Phenomena or Beauty: The site contains exceptional natural beauty or phenomena.
  8. Representing Earth’s Geological History: It represents major stages in Earth’s geological history.
  9. Significant Ecological and Biological Processes: It exemplifies ongoing ecological and biological processes in various ecosystems.
  10. Critical Natural Habitats for Biodiversity Conservation: It contains vital habitats for conserving biological diversity, especially threatened species2.

Statements of OUV provide a clear understanding of the reasons for World Heritage inscription and guide long-term management to sustain this exceptional value3. In essence, OUV underscores the importance of preserving these sites for the benefit of all humanity.

2023. 11. 24.

글로스터 공작(Duke of Gloucester) 부부

 윤석열 대통령과 김건희 여사가 22일(현지시간) 영국 런던 금융특구 길드홀에서 열린 ‘런던금융특구 시장 주최 만찬’에서 마이클 마이넬리(Michael Mainelli) 영국 런던 금융특구 시장 내외, 글로스터 공작(Duke of Gloucester) 부부와 기념촬영을 하고 있다

2023. 11. 20.

[정책]세계도시문화포럼(WCCF) 2023 상파울루 서밋(1/2)


□ WCCF (World Cities Culture Forum : WCCF) 개요

세계도시문화포럼(World Cities Culture Forum : WCCF)은 문화정책 정보 공유와 교류를 목적으로 런던시장이 주도하여 2012년에 공식 발족한세계 도시 간의 정책 네트워크(홈페이지 http://www.worldcitiescultureforum.com/)

- 2012년 9개 회원도시로 출발, 2023년 현재 총 44개 회원으로 확대한국에서는 서울시가 초청되어 2013년부터 회원으로 활동.

  (2017년 서울시 총회 개최, 창조도시를 넘어서 문화시민도시에서의 문화와 민주주의”) 

- WCCF는 각국을 순회하는 정기총회(Summit) 개최, <세계도시 문화리포트 (WCCR: World Cities Culture Report)> 문화통계 발간사회변화 프로젝트와 기후위기 대응 매뉴얼 등 공동연구를 통해 세계 도시 간의 정보와 지식을 교환하는 문화정책 플랫폼 역할 수행함.

□ 2023 상파울루 서밋

기간 : 2023.10.25.~10.27

장소 브라질 상파울루

참가 : 3개 옵저버(퀠른나이로비요하네스버그포함 40개 도시 참가

주제 : “Culture, Courage & Leadership for a New World (새로운 세계를 위한 문화그리고 용기와 리더십)

유엔 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)에 문화분야 목표 추가를 위한 상파울루 선언’ 채택

2023. 11. 19.

HEIKE HANSEN Architecte, archéologue du bâti libéral, membre associé LA3M hansen.heike@gmx.de



Independent architect specializing in built archeology Associate member of the Laboratory of Medieval and Modern Archeology in the Mediterranean (LA3M, since 2001)


Architect, architectural archaeologist, Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing., University of Stuttgart), Holder of the third cycle specialization diploma ``Study, Safeguarding and Restoration of built heritage´´
University education

1999-2006 Preparation of a doctoral thesis at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg and Stuttgart, defended in December 2006. Placed under the title Die Westfassade von Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Bauforscherische Untersuchungen zu einem Schlüsselwerk der südfranzösischen Spätromanik (“The western facade of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Studies in the archeology of the building on a key work of late Romanesque art in southern France”, University of Stuttgart, 2006 ). Member of the joint doctoral school of the Universities of Bamberg and Berlin, supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German scientific research group, equivalent of the ANR). Thesis defense on December 14, 2006 (“very good”).
Doctoral contract (scholarship) from DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and the University of Bamberg.
1998 Obtained the postgraduate diploma ``Study, preservation and restoration of built heritage´´ (Aufbaustudium Denkmalpflege) at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (with honors).
1995 Obtained an architect's degree from the University of Applied Sciences in Aachen (Fachhochschule Aachen), in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf), with distinction “very good”.
1992-1995 Integrated inter-university course in architecture and architectural design Academy of Fine Arts of Düsseldorf, (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)/University of Applied Sciences of Aachen (Fachhochschule Aachen).
1984 Baccalaureate

Professional experience outside salaried activity from 2008 to 2022, team work

Liberal building archaeologist working within the framework of collective research programs.
2020-2022: Research project on the remains of the Romanesque chapel of Sainte-Cécile d'Estagel, former priory of the abbey of Saint-Gilles in collaboration with the SRA Occitanie and the Louvre Museum (LA3M, UMR 7298)
2013-2015 : Roman cathedrals in the Tarragona ecclesiastical province (siglos XI-XIII): visual programs, liturgy and architecture in Tarragona, Roda de Isábena, Huesca, Zaragoza and Pamplona. Member of the TEMPLA research group, Girona, Spain;
2012-2017: PCR Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. AEGIMAIOR. The ancient abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Archeology and monumental history of a major monastic site in the south of France. (LA3M, UMR 7298);
2011-2014: ANR PAVAGE research program. Avignon bridge. New interdisciplinary research on a legendary monument. (Map, UMR 3495, Cerege, UMR 7330, CIHAM UMR 5648, LA3M, UMR 7298);
2010-2012: Organización funcional de los espacios eclesiásticos en las sedes episcopales de la Cataluña Vieja (I): Seu d'Urgell, Elna, Girona y Vic (ss. IX-XII), TEMPLA, Spain;
2008-2012: PCR Abbaye de Lagrasse (11) (Universities of Toulouse, Aix and Montpellier, 2007-2012);
2007-2010: The synagogal complex of Montpellier (LA3M) as part of a global archaeological study prior to restoration (City of Montpellier).

Individual liberal activity (between 2008 and 2022, selection of operations in collaboration with LA3M UMR 7298, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University as an associated researcher): surveys and studies in building archeology:

Medieval fort of Buoux (84), (MH construction site); the Notre-Dame-de-Lure abbey church (05) (MH construction site); apse of the abbey church of Alet-les-Bains (11) (MH); La Garde Adhémar (26) as part of a university internship at Aix/Marseille University; Lagrasse Abbey (11), Saint Sauveur Cathedral in Aix-en-Provence (13) and Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Church, Aix-en-Provence (13) as part of the restoration of these two monuments ( construction sites of the City of Aix-en-Provence); the Saint-Pierre church in Auxerre (89), as part of the restoration of the monument (MH site); study of a lapidary deposit of a funerary monument from the end of the 13th century and archaeological study of the apse rose window at the Cistercian abbey Silvacane (13), (Town of La Roque-d'Anthéron, MH); the crypt of the Saint-Seurin church in Bordeaux, archeology studies of the building as part of an emergency operation before closing an excavation (University of Bordeaux, Ausonius Institute, UMR 5607); The medieval castle of Mauguio (34), archaeological study and surveys before restoration for heritage architect Renzo Wieder; Archaeological study of the tomb of Innocent VI at the charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (30) (MH site); The synagogal space of Montpellier (34), creation of graphic documentation for a study prior to restoration for the City of Montpellier (MH site); The Carpentras synagogue (84), production of graphic documentation for a study prior to restoration for heritage architect Renzo Wieder; the abbey church of the Cistercian Sénanque abbey (84), graphic documentation of the church and adjacent buildings and study prior to restoration; The western facade of the Saint-Gabriel church in Tarascon (13), production of graphic documentation for a study prior to the restoration of the western facade of the church for heritage architect Renzo Wieder (MH sites); Cistercian barn of Fontfroide in Gaussan (11), tachometer readings of all the buildings for restoration and redevelopment, for the Goutal architectural agency, Paris; Saint Michel de Cuxa, recorded with a tachometer for graphic documentation of the monument in plans and sections, for the Cultural Association of Cuxa for their 50th anniversary; The walls of the City of Carcassonne, archaeological study and survey of the interior wall for monitoring of the restoration site since March 2021 (MH site).

Salaried university professional activities (teacher-researcher fixed-term contract)

2014-2017 Research engineer (CDD) at the Laboratory of Medieval and Modern Archeology in the Mediterranean (LA3M) UMR 7298, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University. Studies and research programs in collaboration with members of LA3M (selection): PCR Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. AEGIMAIOR: The ancient abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Archeology and monumental history of a major monastic site in the south of France (2012-2017, direction Andreas Hartmann-Virnich, in collaboration with Toni Volpe, V. Renalducci, L. Maggiori), then archaeological monitoring under authorization from the DRAC Languedoc-Roussillon / Occitanie; Archaeological study and survey of the church of the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem (12th century) at Abu Gosh, Israel (2016/17, direction Nicolas Faucherre, Andreas Hartmann-Virnich); Archaeological study and survey of the paleo-Christian church of Ereruyk, in the Armenian Republic (2015/16, direction Patrick Donabédian); Archaeological study and surveys before restoration for the heritage architect Martin le Fèvre of the medieval castle of Oppède le Vieux (84) with C. Markiexicz; Archaeological study and survey of part of the Carcassonne enclosure (2015/2016 (direction Marie-Élise Gardel, Nicolas Faucherre) as part of the PCR Carcassonne (11): La Cité: study, survey and dating of the fortifications; Study archaeological study and survey of the monumental tomb of Innocent VI (14th century) with M.-P. Bonetti in 2015; Archaeological study and survey of the rose window of the Cistercian church of Silvacane (12th century) in 2014; Survey of a set of fortified houses from the Venetian period on the island of Crete as part of a postdoctoral program attached to LA3M (E. Maglio, in collaboration with V. Rinalducci) in 2014. 2009-2011 Research engineer (
CDD ) at the Institute of Architectural History (Institut für Architekturgeschichte IFAG) of the University of Stuttgart. Establishment of the Franco-German research program AEGIDIANA, “The Abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Archaeological, building archeology and archival research on the monumental history of a forgotten masterpiece of Romanesque art in France", co-direction with Klaus Jan Philipp (IFAG) and Andreas Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M) , and co-financed by the ANR and the German Research Collective - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG). Responsible for carrying out architectural surveys and studies in building archeology in collaboration with A. Hartmann-Virnich. Supervision of teams and student trainees training in the archeology of buildings.
2006-2008 Research engineer (CDD) at the Institute of Art History (Institut für Kunstgeschichte) of the University of Tübingen. Design and implementation of the research program “Romanesque cloisters in the south of France and the north of Spain. Architecture, iconography, functions and the place of monuments in cultural history”, led by Peter Klein, University of Tübingen, funded by the DFG. Head of the building archeology team.
2002-2005 Temporary teaching and research associate (ATER) at the Institute of Architectural History at the University of Stuttgart (co-direction with Dieter Kimpel). Design and implementation of the research program “Monumental archeology at Saint-Étienne d’Auxerre cathedral: the relative chronology of the five portals (13th-16th centuries)” funded by the DFG. Management of multi-year archaeological survey and research work, supervision of teams of professional collaborators and student trainees in architectural and building archeology training.

Professional activities as an associated researcher at LA3M UMR 7298, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University (since 2001) not listed above

2003, 2004, 2005 Stone-by-stone survey work at the Citadel of Damascus, as part of a multi-year Franco-Syrian program for the Citadel of Damascus, as a member of the LA3M team, project partner for the French part;
1999-2002 Field work as part of the preparation of the doctoral thesis. Carrying out an exhaustive archaeological stone-by-stone survey of the western facade of the abbey church of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard (30), its substructures and its interior elevations.

Professional and training activities before the doctoral thesis

1998 Final study work for the cycle ``Safeguarding and restoration of built heritage´´: Archaeological study of the “Maison des Chevaliers” in Viviers (07), a medieval and modern monument classified as a protected sector.
1998 Carrying out stone-by-stone surveys at Ulm Cathedral, Germany, under the aegis of the permanent restoration project of the Lodge of Ulm.
1997 Supervision of a group of student interns from the Aachen Higher School of Architecture (Fachhochschule Aachen), during the annual introductory course in the archeology of buildings as part of the Multidisciplinary PCR “The Palais des Papes, archaeology, architecture, history and digital tools” (co-direction Dominique Vingtain, Philippe Bernardi, Andreas Hartmann-Virnich).
1995-1997 Liberal architect in two architectural firms (T. Gzechowiak and G. Hülsmann, professor at the Higher School of Architecture in Aachen).
1995-1997 Teaching: artistic drawing courses given in the private academy Bleibergerfabrik, Aachen.

Conferences (selection of communications giving rise to the publication of proceedings)

2007 Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Auxerre. Recent results of multidisciplinary and international research. Auxerre international conference, 09.2007
2009 Gothic architecture and sculpture. Renewal of methods and perspectives, international conference in Noyon, 06.2009.
2010 Arch-I-Tech: Archaeology, architecture, Engineering - New technologies. 11.2010, Cluny international conference.
2010 "ANR-DFG 2009 Program, Franco-German Round Table, Berlin, May 6-7, 2010": Presentation of the interim report of the AEGIDIANA project, “The Abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard. Archaeological, building archeology and archival research on the monumental history of a forgotten masterpiece of Romanesque art in France (with Andreas Hartmann-Virnich) 2010 The archeology of the
buildings in question. A tool to know them, preserve them and restore them. ICOMOS international conference in Liège, 11.2010.
2012 Catalan cathedrals in the European context (s. X-XII): scenarios and escenografies. / "Las cathedrales catalanas en el contexto europeo (s. Stages and scenes. University of Girona, 11.2012.
2013 Romanesque Days of Cuxa: theme “The Romanesque portal 11th–12th centuries. New approaches, new perspectives. 08 – 13 July 2013”.
2016 International conference in Saint-Étienne, November 17-19, 2016: Officers and public affairs in the Angevin territories (13th-15th century): towards a political culture?/Gli ufficiali e la cosa pubblica nei territori angioini (13th-15th century) secolo): verso una cultura politica? (with Andreas Hartmann-Virnich, Maire-Pierre Bonetti and Nathalie Molina).
2017 The stability and reinforcement of Gothic structures in pursuit of balance International conference in Tournai, Belgium February 2-3, 2017 2017
Cuxa Romanesque Days: theme “The great abbeys and Romanesque art. July 10-15, 2017.”
2018 International conference in Bamberg, Germany: Romanesque portals and their transformation. 11.-13. 01. 2018
2018 Co-organization and participation in the international conference of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: From Saint-Gilles to Saint-Jacques. Archaeological research on the Romanesque art of the “Chemins de Compostela” in the French South and in Spain, Saint-Gilles on November 8, 9 and 10, 2018 (with Andreas Hartmann-Virnich and Vanessa Eggert) 2019 International conference in Auxerre,
L archeology of buildings today and tomorrow. October 10-12, 2019
2022 International conference in Lipari, Cicile: The cloisters in the Mediterranean Area between the 11th and 13th centuries. Architecture, Archaeology, Art.

Conferences, seminars, courses

2015 Paris, Louvre Museum: guest speaker (with Marie-Pierre Bonetti) “The ex situ architectural sculpture of the abbeys of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard and Silvacane.
2016 Silvacane Abbey: guest speaker (with Marie-Pierre Bonetti, Nathalie Molina and Andreas Hartmann-Virnich): “The study of the medieval lapidary of Silvacane Abbey” Since 2001 Regular participation and presentations in research and Master's
seminars of LA3M UMR 7298, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University
Co-direction of student internships (Lagrasse 2008-2011, Saint-Gilles 2009-2012, La Garde Adhémar 2011-2014, Carcassonne 2015-2016)

Projects and work in progress in collaboration with LA3M

Religious architecture: PCR Saint-Roman troglodyte abbey of Beaucaire (30): (dir. J.-L. Piat, Eveha), since 2019; 2nd survey campaign in July 2020 in collaboration. with J.-L. Piat, N. Faucherre, A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M);
Saint-Gabriel de Tarascon (13) (MH construction site, commune of Tarascon): since 2019; second survey campaign at the end of 2020 in collaboration. with A. Garnotel (Archaeology mosaics), G. Martin (architect firm R. Wieder) and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Saint-Gilles-du-Gard (30) (MH site): archaeological monitoring and construction work noted until the completion of the restoration work (2022/23) in collaboration. with A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M);
Priory of Estagel (30) (DRAC Occitanie - SRA): since 2019; study of the monument and the portal ex situ at the Louvre in collaboration. with A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M) and P.-Y. The Pogam (Louvre Museum);
Church of the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem in Abu Gosh, French territory in Israel: since 2016; third study and survey campaign in April 2021 in collaboration. with N. Faucherre and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Medieval synagogal complex of Montpellier (34) (City of Montpellier): since 2008; 5th study and survey campaign scheduled for 2021, in collaboration. with C. Markiewicz and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M) (see also “Urban civil architecture”)
Carpentras Synagogue (84) (MH): since 2017; 3rd study and survey campaign in 2021 in collaboration. with C. Markiewicz and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Cavaillon Synagogue (84) (MH): project with the town of Cavaillon in collaboration. with A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Under evaluation: Research project (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) “Cistercian abbeys in the western Mediterranean. Comparative research on the genesis, construction and design of a set of exemplary monasteries” (Sénanque, Silvacane, Le Thoronet, Valmagne, Fontfroide, Santes-Creus, Poblet): three-year project, in collaboration. with M. Untermann (University of Heidelberg), with the participation of G. Boto (University of Girona), A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M), Q. Cazes (University of Toulouse) et al.

Military architecture: PCR medieval enclosure of Carcassonne (11) (PCR): since 2015; third study and survey campaign in October 2021 (dir. M.-E. Gardel), in collaboration. with N. Faucherre and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Fort de Buoux (84) (MH, Commune of Buoux): since 2008; 6th survey campaign in 2021 in collaboration. with C. Markiewicz, N. Faucherre and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
Saint-Anne Castral Chapel of Cannes (06) (City of Cannes): study and survey in July 2020 in collaboration. with N. Faucherre, A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)

Urban civil architecture: Medieval houses in Puget-Théniers (06): since 2020; 2nd study and survey campaign in 2021 in collaboration. with N. Faucherre and A. Hartmann-Virnich (LA3M)
(Medieval synagogal complex of Montpellier: see above)

Valorization of research

2016-2019 Member of the scientific committee for the restoration work on the abbey site of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard
2020- Member of the scientific committee for the project and construction of a museum on the abbey site of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard
Since 2020 Member of the Koldewey-Gesellschaft Vereinigung für baugeschichtliche Forschung ("Robert Koldewey Building Archeology Research Society", founded in 1926)

Other abilities

Computers Knowledge of image processing and computer-assisted drawing software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign; Autocad; Scetchup;
Mastery and practice of computer-assisted laser tachometer topography software, Tachycad software, Photoplan; Photoscan (3D modeling)
Languages ​​French: read, spoken, written
English: read, spoken, written
German: read, spoken, written
Spanish: basic knowledge
Winner Prize for “best foreign doctoral thesis in French historical architecture”, awarded in 2008 by the French Society of Archeology (SFA), Paris

Done in Aix-en-Provence, March 8, 2022

2023. 11. 15.

Current events in Palestine and Israel


Current events in Palestine and Israel 

 The Blue Shield 1) responds to the unfolding events in Palestine and Israel with enormous sadness and sympathy. We hope that an immediate, peaceful, solution to the current appalling loss of life and associated humanitarian crisis can be found. In this spirit, we implore all parties to do everything in their power to ensure that the conflict does not escalate or spread further. In particular, given our role and mission, we also ask all parties to the conflict to do all in their power to protect the cultural heritage of Gaza, Israel, and beyond.  

 While the protection of human life and dignity must always be the first priority in any crisis, protecting people and protecting their cultural heritage are indelibly intertwined. Heritage gives people and communities a sense of place, belonging, and identity; a reason for living that supports wellbeing and dignity. It can be the first building block of reconciliation. It can, sadly, also be a reason for, and weapon and target in, conflict.  

 We welcome that both Israel and Palestine are parties to the 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Convention’s First (1954) Protocol. We further welcome that Palestine has ratified the Convention’s Second (1999) Protocol and we urge Israel to do the same as soon as possible. Under customary international law, all parties in a conflict must recognise that civilians, and civilian objects (which includes their cultural property), are also protected, and must be respected.  

 Gaza has a very rich archaeological and historical heritage going back to prehistoric times with significant Roman and later remains. The Blue Shield is aware that there are, as yet officially unverified, media reports of significant damage to heritage sites across the area, such as the destruction of the mosque of Jabalia and significant damage to the historic centre of Gaza, where there are reports of damage to several sites including the Church of Saint Porphyrius, the oldest Christian Church in Gaza, built in the 1150s, where hundreds of Christians and Muslims had sought sanctuary. We understand there were many casualties when the Church came under attack. 

 Those who adhere to international humanitarian law, and other relevant, international instruments, declarations, and resolutions, acknowledge that damage to cultural sites belonging to any people whatsoever means damage to the cultural heritage of all humankind, since each people makes its contribution to the culture of the world. Under international law, all parties to conflict are expected to: commit to taking all feasible actions to safeguard and respect cultural property located in areas where armed conflict is taking place; avoid using cultural property and its immediate surroundings as part of their military operations in a way that may cause or lead to damage and destruction; avoid targeting cultural property unless there is military necessity; prevent looting; avoid reprisals directed at cultural property; and protect and support those involved in the protection of cultural heritage.  

 We ask all involved to acknowledge their responsibilities to protect the civilian populations caught in the midst of this fighting and to ensure that they will have a heritage on which to build reconciliation and a common future. 

 The Blue Shield stands ready to assist, as possible, anyone involved in the conflict to protect heritage, and to provide any assistance possible towards a resolution.  

Professor Peter Stone 
President, The Blue Shield 30 
October 2023 

1)  The Blue Shield is the independent, impartial, neutral, and not-for-profit international NGO dedicated to the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and following disaster, see https://theblueshield.org/  

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BS 25th Anniversary Conference -

 (1) President Stone: Welcome
Day One President Stone welcomes everyone to the Blue Shield 25th Anniversary Conference Blue Shield 25th Anniversary Conference Programme 14 December 2021 - DAY 1 Blue Shield and CPP: The Internal View Welcome and Administration Peter Stone, The President Session 1: Celebrating our 25th Anniversary Celebrating our 25th Anniversary - Emma Cunliffe, Blue Shield International Secretariat Session 2: The Blue Shield Today and Future Aspirations The Blue Shield Today and Future Aspirations Gerald Leitner, Secretary General of IFLA Alberto Garlandini, President of ICOM Teresa Patrício, President of ICOMOS Emilie Gagnet Leumas, Board Representative of ICA Questions and Discussion Session 3: The work of the Blue Shield The Work of Blue Shield National Committees Claire McGuire Blue Shield Working Group on Trafficking of Cultural Property Patty Gerstenblith Blue Shield Working Group on Emergency Response Joanne Farchakh Bajjaly Blue Shield International Civil-Military Cooperation and Training Michael Delacruz and Emma Cunliffe, Blue Shield International Secretariat Blue Shield - The next 25 years Peter Stone, The President Questions and Discussion DAY 2 15 December 2021 Blue Shield and CPP: The External View Welcome and Administration Peter Stone, The President Session 1: Cooperation and Collaboration – Formal Partners Cooperation and Collaboration with the Blue Shield - Invited Presentations from formal partners Helen Durham, Director of International Law and Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross Major General Stefano Del Col, UNIFIL Lazare Eloundou, Director of World Heritage, UNESCO Session 2: Partnerships and Beyond – Partnership Working Cooperation and Collaboration with the Blue Shield - Invited Presentations Corrado Catesi, Coordinator, Interpol's Works of Art Unit Col Giuseppe De Magistris, Carabinieri, Director NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence Colonel Youssef Haydar, PSC, Independent Works Regiment Commander, Lebanese Armed Forces Cori Wegener, Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative Questions and Discussion Brigadier General Roberto Riccardi, Commander of the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Ten. Col. Luigi Spadari, Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Florian Krejsa, Project Assistant, OSCE Tess Davis, Executive Director Antiquities Coalition Sanne Letschert, Head of Cultural Emergency Response Questions and Discussion Session 3: Looking ahead Blue Shield – Closing Remarks Peter Stone, The President

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVtndI3zhTU