2020. 4. 9.

POST-PANDEMIC AGRICULTURE IN CHINA An RASBJ online discussion with Ian Lahiffe

Dear Members and friends of RAS Korea,

RAS Beijing is inviting you to a scheduled RAS online lecture via Zoom on April 9 (Thursday) 20:00 (Seoul Time).




An RASBJ online discussion with Ian Lahiffe

WHAT: RASBJ'S Zoom discussion with agro-industry expert Ian Lahiffe about COVID-19's impact on Chinese agricultural imports, farms and food, followed by Q&
WHEN: Apr 9, Thursday,  20:00-21:00 Korea Time (1900-2000 China Time)
WHERE: Online via Zoom  https://zoom.us/join 
           Meeting ID: 667 522 463
           Password: 059107
HOW MUCH: Free for RASBJ members and associates worldwide. See "How to Join" below. 

HOW TO BECOME AN RASBJ MEMBER OR ASSOCIATE: If you know someone who's a non-member but wishes to become a member (or, for PRC passport-holders, to become an associate), ask them to befriend Treasurer John Olbrich on Wechat at johnobeijing and send him name, nationality, mobile number and email address plus the annual subscription amount (or, for aspiring associates, the suggested donation) of RMB 300 for those resident in China, RMB 200 for those resident overseas, and RMB 100 for students.  RASBJ members and associates enjoy free access to the RASBJ series of online discussions.

1)   Download the Zoom mobile app or desktop client (Computers may allow you to join through your browser without downloading)
2)   Use your name to sign in
3)   Input the login details below:
      Meeting ID: 667 522 463
      Password: 059107
4)   Login no later than 20:00 Korea Time (1900 China Time) on April 9 Thursday

MORE ABOUT THE EVENT: The coronavirus pandemic has enormous  implications for the global economy, with deep impacts on food and agricultural trade. In January, China committed to major agricultural purchases from the USA as part of the Phase One trade deal. Where does that stand now, given the clear slowdown in consumption? What struggles are agricultural companies facing due to the outbreak, and how long will they take to recover? The dramatic decline in dining out has had a devastating effect on China's vibrant food and beverage sector. Who will survive and who won't? What changes has COVID-19 brought to the food and agricultural landscape in China? How is it affecting this year's planting season?

MORE ABOUT THE SPEAKER Ian Lahiffe is the APAC President for Antelliq, part of Merck Animal Health, a global Fortune 500 business. Based in Beijing for the past 9 years, Ian has been working extensively in China's food and agricultural sector. His projects include food traceability systems, technology acceleration and exchanges on best practices. Ian completed a master's degree in International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, before moving to Beijing to work for the European Union. He also speaks fluent Mandarin, and has a postgraduate diploma in Mandarin studies from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
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