2019. 10. 19.

The Imjin War

IMJIN WAR Ep. 1: East Asia in the 16th Century
 This is the first episode of an ongoing series on the Imjin War, based on my book “THE IMJIN WAR: Japan’s Sixteenth-Century Invasion of Korea and Attempt to Conquer China.” Upcoming episodes (with more to follow) will be:

IMJIN WAR Ep. 2: Why Did Hideyoshi Want to Conquer China?
 This is the second episode in my continuing series on the Imjin War, based on my book “The Imjin War: Japan’s Sixteenth-Century Invasion of Korea and Attempt to Conquer China.” This week’s topic: “Why Did Hideyoshi Want to Conquer China?”
Upcoming episodes:
Episode 3: The First Invasion Begins
Episode 4: North to Seoul
Episode 5: Why Was the Gun So Important?
Episode 6: The Korean Navy Strikes Back
Episode 7: The Battle for the Yellow Sea
Episode 8: Korea’s First Victory on Land! (aka Rise of the Uibyong)
Episode 9: Could Hideyoshi Have Conquered China?
Episode 10: The Spanish Plan to Conquer China

If you’d like to read the full story, here’s the IMJIN WAR book:

I also have an “Imjin War” section on my website:

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