' 모든 것은 죽어 없어지리라. 모든 것이 무로 돌아가리라. 생명을 주관하는 자는 암흑의 혹성 저 너머로 마지막 태양의 마지막 빛까지도 불사르리라. 오직 나의 고통만이 더욱 가혹하다 나는 서 있다, 불속에 휘감긴 채로, 상상도 못할 사랑의 끌 수 없는 커다란 불길 위에.' 탄환은 심장을 동경한다! Mayakovskii, Vladimir V.;Маяковский, Владимир, 대중의 취향에 따귀를 때려라...
2019. 9. 24.
2019. 9. 21.
2019. 9. 19.
Professor Chung Hyun Kyung
세계 진보신학의 명문, 뉴욕 유니언 신학대학의 아시아계 최초의 여성 종신교수. 달라이 라마가 주축이 된 종교간 세계평화위원회 자문위원으로 있으며, 평화통일운동단체 조각보의 대표를 맡고 있다. 기독교 신학과 함께 불교 명상을 가르쳐 ‘불교적 신학자’로, 다양한 퍼포먼스와 제의, 축제를 통해 신학을 표현하는 ‘신학적 예술가’로, 학술, 사회운동, 영적 수련, 예술의 경계를 넘나들어 ‘문화통역사’로도 불린다. 이 외에 한국 대표 페미니스트, 여성해방신학자, 환경운동가, 평화운동가 등 다양한 수식어가 있지만, 그는 모든 것을 생생하게 살려낸다는 ‘살림이스트’로 불리기를 바란다.
2001년 9월 11일, 현경은 뉴욕에 있었다. 연일 언론에서는 이슬람을 극단적 근본주의자, 자살 테러, 여성 억압, 명예 살인이라는 말로 악마화 하였다. 다음 세대에게 ‘진리’를 전수하는 학자이자 교육자로서 ‘이슬람 죽이기’를 관망할 수 없었다. 그는 이슬람 속으로 들어가 그들의 이야기를 직접 들어보기로 결심한다. 현경은 이슬람 사람들이 보는 평화, 그들이 보는 성전(지하드), 이슬람 여성이 꿈꾸는 평화와 정의에 대해 당사자들의 눈과 목소리로 만나고 듣고 싶었다.
그렇게 유서까지 써놓고 떠난 이슬람 17개국에서 강하고 아름다운 수많은 꽃들을 만났다. 현경은 편안하고 용기 있게 삶과 일을 꾸려가고 있는 200여 명의 여성들을 만나며 오히려 자신의 편견이 깨지고 에너지가 채워지는 것을 느꼈다. 그리고 순례 기간 동안 그녀들에게 얻은 아름다운 지혜 중 99가지를 갈무리해서 《신의 정원에 핀 꽃들처럼》에 담아냈다.
이화여대 기독교학과, 동대학원을 나온 후 유니언 신학대학에서 박사학위를 받았다. 1989년부터 7년간 이화여대 기독교학과 교수로 있었고, 1996년 유니언 신학대학의 종신교수로 부임해 현재 뉴욕에 살고 있다. 저서로는 8개 국어로 번역된 《다시 태양이 되기 위하여(Struggle to be the Sun Again)》, 《결국은 아름다움이 우리를 구원할 거야 1, 2》, 《미래에서 온 편지》등이 있다.
2019. 9. 18.
제74차 유엔 총회 기조연설
자연환경 국민신탁, 전재경 대표이사, 화영순 담당 031-425-8107
DMZ Global Trust
About NNT
자연환경 국민신탁, 전재경 대표이사, 화영순 담당 031-425-8107
DMZ Global Trust
디엠지 지도들
About NNT
Korean government enacted the National Trust Act, March 2006, taking after the English statutory law, that is, the National Trust Act of 1907 UK, with assistance of several environmental NGOs, and such Act of 2006 come into force and established a new public corporation, that is, National Nature Trust, March 2007 under the supervise of the Minister of Environment unlike the U.K. system. The traditional legal system of Korea had already accepted the public trust doctrine like the U.S.A. under the customary laws. But such traditional trust system, we call it “Dong-Gye”(village treaty), had been operated individually at the regional base of many small areas for the purpose of gathering and use of natural resources and did not know business-friendly management, market-based eco-tourism, and nation-wide networking among trust properties.
National Nature Trust in Korea established under the National Trust Act of 2006 has three missions. First, the Trust is going to make new public lands and community properties with national interest. Second, the Trust should stop missing properties or restore disappeared properties. The Act of 2006 provides that any real estate or cultural heritage for conservation under the National Trust should not be sold out. Third, the Trust will make a nation-wide network among several public land or properties. Local trusts by NGOs under the Civil Law Code, of course, might be harmonized with the national trust system under the National Trust Act of 2006. The cultural heritage can not be isolated from natural environments. The Act of 2006 prescribes that cultural heritage and natural environments should be preserved together.FEATURES
- 01FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONIn the ancient Indian philosophy, people defined a natural environmental property, as a “Property” from the future generation not as a “legacy” from their ancestor. Our generation have a duty to preserve well and return the natural environmental property, back to the future generations. In that way we want to step up.
- 02NEW PARADIGM OF CIVIL AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTNational Trust is ‘private voluntary preserving ㆍ managing activity’, and so it succeeds to a traditional civil movement spirit. Furthermore it tries a compromise between traditional civil movement and social movement in the fact that it can get a little expenses spent preserving and managing those properties from nation or local government. National Trust accepts individuals, companies and governments as a joint subject, and opens the new age of social movement history.
- 03LEGAL OPPOSING POWERNational Trust Law has a legal opposing power against development. Natural environmental properties from ‘Gongyuhwa’ movement such as the existing ‘buying a pyong of earth’ movement etc, can be lost by various special law which pursuits development. But the properties trusted to National Trust with nation’s name for the future generations, can’t be sold forever. Now the National Trust has a legal opposing power, and can stop losing the property.
2019년도 9월 DMZ 포럼, 홈페이지...
제74차 유엔 총회 기조연설
유엔과 회원국들의 헌신으로 세계의 많은 문제들이 해결되고, 평화를 위한 노력들이 결실을 맺고 있습니다.
깊은 존경과 감사의 인사를 드립니다.
티자니 무하마드 반데 총회 의장의 취임을 축하하며, 의장의 탁월한 지도력으로 다자협력이 확산되는 총회가 되리라 기대합니다.
‘지속적인 평화(sustaining peace)’라는 유엔의 목표는 한반도의 목표와 같습니다.
평화와 개발의 선순환을 통해 평화를 지속시키고자 하는 안토니우 구테레쉬 사무총장의 노력에 경의를 표합니다.
의장, 사무총장, 각국 대표 여러분,
인류의 평화와 ‘지속가능발전목표(SDGs)’를 향한 유엔의 노력은 반드시 달성될 것입니다.
세계는 재난과 긴급구호 활동에 함께하고, 평화를 유지하기 위한 행동에 동참하며, 서로를 돕고 있습니다.
유엔은 계속해서 국제사회 협력의 중심이 되어야 합니다.
한국은 유엔의 혜택을 많이 받은 나라입니다.
유엔이 설립된 해에 식민지배에서 해방되었고 유엔과 국제사회의 도움으로 전쟁의 참화를 극복할 수 있었습니다.
이제 한국은 발전한 만큼 책임의식을 갖고 동아시아와 국제사회의 평화와 번영을 위해 협력하고 있습니다.
2017년 11월 유엔이 채택한 ‘올림픽 휴전 결의’는 한국에게 또 한 번의 큰 도움이 되었습니다.
그 결의에 따라, 2018년 봄에 예정되어 있었던 한미 연합훈련이 유예되고, 북한 선수단이 평창에 올 수 있는 환경이 조성될 수 있었습니다.
안전을 우려했던 평창 동계올림픽은 평화올림픽으로 전환되었고, 남·북한 사이에 대화가 재개되는 소중한 계기가 되었습니다.
남·북 간의 대화는 미국과 북한 간의 대화로 이어졌습니다.
트럼프 대통령과 김정은 위원장의 결단이 한반도의 상황을 극적으로 변화시킨 동력이 되었습니다.
지금 한반도는 총성 몇 발에 정세가 요동치던 과거와 분명하게 달라졌습니다.
한반도 평화를 위한 대화의 장은 여전히 건재하고 남과 북, 미국은 비핵화와 평화뿐 아니라 그 이후의 경제협력까지 바라보고 있습니다.
한국은 평화가 경제협력으로 이어지고 경제협력이 다시 평화를 굳건하게 하는, ‘평화경제’의 선순환 구조를 만들고자 합니다.
‘유럽석탄철강공동체’와 ‘유럽안보협력기구’가 유럽의 평화와 번영에 상호 긍정적 영향을 끼친 사례가 좋은 본보기입니다.
한반도 평화는 여전히 지속되는 과제이며 세계평화와 한반도 평화는 불가분의 관계입니다.
한국은 북한과 대화를 계속해 나가며 유엔 회원국들의 협력 속에서 완전한 비핵화와 항구적 평화를 위한 ‘길을 찾아내고 만들어 갈 것’입니다.
의장, 사무총장, 각국 대표 여러분,
평화는 대화를 통해서만 만들 수 있습니다.
합의와 법으로 뒷받침되는 평화가 진짜 평화이며, 신뢰를 바탕으로 이룬 평화라야 항구적일 수 있습니다.
지난 1년 반, 대화와 협상으로 한반도는 의미 있는 성과를 보여주었습니다.
분단의 상징이었던 판문점은 권총 한 자루 없는 비무장 구역이 되었고, 남·북한은 함께 비무장지대 내 초소를 철거하여 대결의 상징 비무장지대를 실질적 평화지대로 만들고 있습니다.
끊임없는 정전협정 위반이 남·북 간의 군사적 긴장을 높이고 때로는 전쟁의 위협을 고조시켰지만 지난해 9.19 군사합의 이후에는 단 한 건의 위반행위도 발생하지 않았습니다.
특별히 알려드리고 싶은 일은 한국전쟁 당시 남과 북, 유엔군과 중국군의 최대 격전지였던 ‘화살머리고지’에서 지금까지 모두 177구의 유해를 발굴한 것입니다.
한국군의 유해는 물론 미군과 중국군, 프랑스군과 영연방군으로 추정되는 유해까지 발굴되었습니다.
신원을 확인한 한국군 유해 3구는 66년 만에 가족의 품에 안겼습니다.
평화를 위한 노력이 가져온, 보람된 일이 아닐 수 없습니다.
트럼프 대통령이, 현직 미국 대통령으로서 군사분계선을 넘어 최초로 북한 땅에 발을 디딜 수 있었던 것도 이러한 노력의 결과입니다.
군사적 긴장 완화와 남·북·미 정상 간 굳은 신뢰가 판문점에서의 전격적인 3자 회동을 성사시킬 수 있었습니다.
김정은 위원장의 손을 잡고 군사분계선을 넘은 트럼프 대통령의 행동은, 그 행동 자체로 새로운 평화 시대의 본격적인 시작을 선언했습니다.
한반도와 동북아 평화의 역사에 길이 남을 위대한 발걸음이었습니다.
나는 두 정상이 거기서 한 걸음 더 큰 걸음을 옮겨 주기를 바랍니다.
한반도 문제를 풀기 위한 나의 원칙은 변함이 없습니다.
그 원칙은 첫째, 전쟁불용의 원칙입니다.
한국은 전쟁이 끝나지 않은 정전 상태입니다.
한반도에서 두 번 다시 전쟁의 비극이 있어서는 안 됩니다.
이를 위해 우리는 인류 역사상 가장 긴 정전을 끝내고 완전한 종전을 이루어야 합니다.
둘째, 상호 간 안전보장의 원칙입니다.
한국은 북한의 안전을 보장할 것입니다.
북한도 한국의 안전을 보장하길 원합니다.
서로의 안전이 보장될 때, 한반도 비핵화와 평화체제를 빠르게 구축할 수 있습니다.
적어도 대화를 진행하는 동안에는 모든 적대행위를 중단해야 합니다.
국제사회도 한반도의 안보 우려를 해소하기 위해 함께 노력해 주길 희망합니다.
셋째, 공동번영의 원칙입니다.
평화는 단지 분쟁이 없는 것이 아닙니다.
서로 포용성을 강화하고 의존도를 높이고 공동번영을 위해 협력하는 것이 진정한 평화입니다.
남북이 함께하는 평화경제는 한반도 평화를 공고히 하고, 동아시아와 세계 경제 발전에 이바지할 것입니다.
나는 오늘 유엔의 가치와 전적으로 부합하는 이 세 가지 원칙을 바탕으로, 유엔과 모든 회원국들에게 한반도의 허리를 가로지르는 비무장지대를 국제평화지대로 만들자는 제안을 하고자 합니다.
한반도의 비무장지대는 동서로 250킬로미터, 남북으로 4킬로미터의 거대한 녹색지대입니다.
70년 군사적 대결이 낳은 비극적 공간이지만 역설적으로 그 기간 동안 인간의 발길이 닿지 않은 자연 생태계 보고로 변모했고, JSA, GP, 철책선 등 분단의 비극과 평화의 염원이 함께 깃들어 있는 상징적인 역사 공간이 되었습니다.
비무장지대는 세계가 그 가치를 공유해야 할 인류의 공동유산입니다.
나는 남·북 간에 평화가 구축되면, 북한과 공동으로 유네스코 세계유산 등재를 추진할 것입니다.
판문점과 개성을 잇는 지역을 평화협력지구로 지정하여 남과 북, 국제사회가 함께 한반도 번영을 설계할 수 있는 공간으로 바꿔내고, 비무장지대 안에 남·북에 주재 중인 유엔기구와 평화, 생태, 문화와 관련한 기구 등이 자리 잡아 평화연구, 평화유지(PKO), 군비통제, 신뢰구축 활동의 중심지가 된다면 명실공히 국제적인 평화지대가 될 수 있을 것입니다.
비무장지대에는 약 38만 발의 대인지뢰가 매설되어 있는데, 한국군 단독 제거에는 15년이 걸릴 것으로 예상합니다.
‘유엔지뢰행동조직’ 등 국제사회와의 협력은 지뢰제거의 투명성과 안정성을 보장할 뿐 아니라 비무장지대를 단숨에 국제적 협력지대로 만들어낼 것입니다.
북한이 진정성을 가지고 비핵화를 실천해 나간다면 국제사회도 이에 상응하는 모습을 보여주어야 합니다.
국제 평화지대 구축은 북한의 안전을 제도적이고 현실적으로 보장하게 될 것입니다.
동시에 한국도 항구적인 평화를 얻게 될 것입니다.
김정은 위원장과 나는 비무장지대의 평화적 이용에 대해 합의하고, 끊어진 철도와 도로 연결 작업에 착수하여 북한의 철도 현황을 실사했으며, 철도·도로 연결과 현대화 착공식도 개최한 바 있습니다.
이 모두가 한반도의 평화기반을 다지고 동북아의 평화와 안정에 기여하는 과정입니다.
한반도의 허리인 비무장지대가 평화지대로 바뀐다면, 한반도는 대륙과 해양을 아우르며 평화와 번영을 선도하는 교량국가로 발전할 것입니다.
동북아 6개국과 미국이 함께하는 ‘동아시아철도공동체’의 비전도 현실이 될 수 있습니다.
의장, 사무총장, 각국 대표단 여러분,
동아시아는 2차 세계 대전이 끝난 후, 침략과 식민지배의 아픔을 딛고 상호 긴밀히 교류하며, 경제적인 분업과 협업을 통해 세계사에 유례없는 발전을 이뤄왔습니다.
자유무역의 공정한 경쟁질서가 그 기반이 되었습니다.
과거에 대한 진지한 성찰 위에 자유롭고 공정한 무역의 가치를 굳게 지키며 협력할 때 우리는 더욱 발전해 나갈 수 있을 것입니다.
한국은 이웃국가들을 동반자라 생각하며 함께 협력하여 한반도와 동아시아, 나아가 아시아 전체로 ‘사람 중심, 상생번영의 공동체’를 확장하고자 합니다.
오는 11월 한국의 부산에서 열리는 ‘한-아세안 특별정상회의’와 ‘한-메콩 정상회의’가 그 초석을 놓는 계기가 될 것입니다.
유엔의 ‘지속가능발전목표’와 ‘파리기후변화협약’은 우리가 다자협력을 통해 이뤄야 할 대표적인 과제입니다.
한국은 ‘한국형 지속가능발전목표(K-SDGs)’를 수립하여 국제사회에 약속한 지속가능발전목표 이행에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다.
‘지속가능발전법’, ‘저탄소 녹색성장기본법’, ‘국제개발협력 기본법’과 같은 관련법을 제정하고 ‘지속가능발전위원회’를 두어 제도적으로 이행해가고 있습니다.
그동안 한국은 유엔 평화유지 활동에 1만7천 명의 장병을 파견하였고, 질병과 자연재해에 고통 받는 세계인들과도 함께해왔습니다.
한국은 구테레쉬 사무총장이 주도한 ‘평화유지구상’과 ‘공유된 책무에 대한 선언’을 지지하며, ODA 규모를 더욱 늘려 평화와 개발의 선순환을 지원하겠습니다.
특히 내년 20주년을 맞는 유엔안보리 ‘여성·평화·안보’ 결의와 2017년 밴쿠버에서 합의한 ‘엘시 이니셔티브’에 적극 동참하고, 2021년 차기 ‘평화유지 장관회의’를 한국에서 개최합니다.
한국은 내년, ‘녹색성장 및 글로벌 목표 2030을 위한 연대’, ‘제2차 P4G 정상회의’를 주최합니다.
파리협정과 지속가능발전목표 이행을 위해 국제사회의 결속을 강화하는 계기가 될 것입니다.
정부, 국제기구, 기업과 시민사회의 많은 관계자들이 관심을 갖고 참여해 주길 희망합니다.
올해는 한국에 매우 특별한 해입니다.
100년 전 한국 국민들은 일본 식민지배에 항거하여 3.1독립운동을 일으켰고, 대한민국 임시정부를 수립했습니다.
100년이 지난 지금 한국은 인류애에 기초한 평등과 평화공존을 위해 앞장서 노력하고 있습니다.
앞으로도 한국은 국제사회와 연대하면서 평화, 인권, 지속가능 개발이라는 유엔의 목표를 실현하는데 책임과 역할을 다하고, 유엔의 궁극적 이상인 ‘국제 평화와 안보’가 한반도에서 구현될 수 있도록 함께 노력하겠습니다.
국제사회의 지지와 협력으로 ‘칼이 쟁기로 바뀌는’ 기적이 한반도에서 일어나길 기대합니다.
2019. 9. 17.
2019. 9. 16.
ICOMOS : We are pleased to introduce you to the new Presidents of National Committees and International Scientific Commitees elected to date in 2018.
We are pleased to introduce you to the new Presidents of National Committees and International Scientific Commitees elected to date in 2018.
Lee Wangkee - ICOMOS Republic of Korea

LEE Wangkee is a professor emeritus at the Department of Architecture of the Mokwon University (Republic of Korea). He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture from Hongik University and his PhD in Architecture from Cheongju University (Korea). He has taught architecture since 1980 and served as the Dean of the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Industrial Information at Mokwon University. He was a member of the Board of his National Committee from 2009 to 2014 and served as Vice-President of ICOMOS Republic of Korea from 2015 to 2017. He has published numerous books and articles on the history of Korean and Asian architecture and heritage conservation, including The Art and Technology of Baekje Buddhist Temples (2006).
Minna Silver – ICOMOS Finland

Minna Silver earned her PhD in Archaeology at Helsinki University (Finland). She took an expert program at Helsinki University in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) in 1997-1998 and became a specialist in the field. She carried out her post-doctoral research as a project leader in surveying, mapping and applying GIS studies in the mountainous region of Jebel Bishri in Syria. Since 2004, Silver has been an adjunct professor of Near Eastern Archaeology. In 2010, she became a member of the executive board of the ICOMOS International Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA) and the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Her latest book, Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions: Images, Ruins and Cultural Memory, was co-authored by Gabriele Fangi and Ahmet Denker.
Michael Pearson – ICOMOS IPHC (International Polar Heritage Committee)

Dr Mike Pearson AO IPHC President
Michael Pearson has a PhD in Historical Archaeology and 40 years of experience in the Australian heritage field, in government agencies as Deputy Executive Director of the Australian Heritage Commission, and since 1993 as Managing Director of Heritage Management Consultants Pty Ltd. Since 1986, he has worked in Antarctica with Australian, Chilean and Brazilian government agencies and universities on ten archaeological expeditions. His current research is on sealing sites in the South Shetland Islands. He has worked on World Heritage nominations for Australia, Japan and China. He has written seven books and over 100 published articles on polar history and archaeology. Michael is a former President of Australia ICOMOS, and was a founding member of the ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC).
Melvin Campos Ocampo – ICOMOS Costa Rica

Melvin Campos Costa Rica
Melvin Campos Ocampo is a philologist specialised in Hispanic literature and a professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Costa Rica, where he teaches history of art, architecture, philosophy and literature. He became a member of ICOMOS in 2006 and joined the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICIP). At ICOMOS Costa Rica, Campos has worked on the Communications Committee, organising monthly public conferences, editing the annual calendars and managing the National Committee website and its social media. He was elected as comptroller of the National Committee from 2009 to 2012 and as vice-president from 2012 to 2018. For ICOMOS International, Campos was a member of the committee that organised the Advisory Committee and Scientific Symposium of 2013 in Costa Rica.
Alicia Castillo Mena – ICOMOS Spain

Alicia Castillo Mena
Alicia Castillo Mena is a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography and History at the University of Madrid (Spain), and expert research in cultural heritage management in Europe (Spain) and Latin America (Mexico). She has also worked for several cultural international organizations such as the UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture of Spain and Peru and several regional governments. She is the European Vice-President of ICOMOS International Committee on Archeological Cultural Management (ICAHM). Alicia Castillo Mena is the author of several scientific publications and the co-author of a documentary, Past with Future, From Archaeology to World Heritage.
Gamini Adikari – ICOMOS Sri Lanka

Gamini Adikari is a senior professor of Archaeology at the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology at the University of Kelaniya (Sri Lanka). Although he works on a wide range of subjects related to archaeology, his main interest lies in Sri Lanka’s pre and proto-history. As a field director, he has carried out numerous field-based archaeological investigations from an ethno-archaeological approach on pre-historic cave sites in Sri Lanka. He serves as a member of the Archaeological Advisory Committee of the Department of Archaeology in Sri Lanka. He has published more than 100 articles covering different subjects related to archaeology, locally and internationally, and edited or co-edited more than 40 publications.
Gergely Nagy – ICOMOS Hungary

Gergely Nagy is an architect and urban planner. After completing his PhD in theory of architecture at the Budapest Technical University, he worked for the Town Planning Office of Budapest. He is a member of ICOMOS Hungary, and became successively Secretary General and President. He is also a member of the ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and a member of the ICOMOS Working Group on European Quality Principles. The working group is coordinating the drafting of a guidance document on assuring and improving quality of the EU funded interventions on cultural heritage, upon the request of the European Commission and as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. He is also the author of 9 books as well as several studies and articles.
Robert J. Quarles van Ufford – ICOMOS Netherlands

RobertQuarlesvanUfford NL
Robert J. Quarles van Ufford is the director of the National Monumentenorganisatie, an association for the protection and conservation of national monuments in the Netherlands and president at the Stichting Monumenten Bezit. He holds a Master's degree in History from the University of Leiden. He started his diplomatic career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague in 1993, and then he worked at the embassies of Bangkok, Paramaribo and Jakarta before returning to the Netherlands in 2006. He was Secretary-General of the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO, and he has previously served as treasurer and Vice-President of ICOMOS Netherlands.
Soraya Genin – ICOMOS Portugal

SorayaGenin photo e Gaia 180728
Soraya Genin is an architect and holds a PhD in engineering from KU Leuven. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at ISCTE-IUL (University Institute of Lisbon) and a researcher at ISTAR-IUL, where she has been teaching Construction and Building Conservation since 2002. Her research and publications are in the field of conservation and stone constructions, particularly vaults. She has coordinated several projects on World Heritage Sites, such the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon, and the Convent of Christ in Tomar (Portugal). She is a member of the International Scientific Committee for Stone (ISCS) and the International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (THEOPHILOS).
Stsiapan Stureika – ICOMOS Belarus

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PhD, historian, cultural anthropologist, full-time lecturer at the European Humanities University (Vilnius), holds the Chair of ICOMOS Belarus, and is an Associate Member of the International Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration. The fields of his current research interests are the theory of architectural heritage, the community-based conservation projects, and the new museology. Since 2010 he has conducted several research projects on social aspects of heritage preservation, transformation of Cultural Landscapes of Belarusian Towns and urban movements for heritage preservation in Eastern Europe. In 2015 he was awarded a Thesaurus Poloniae fellowship by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland (implemented by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow). In 2016-2017 he prepared a Report on Developing Cultural Heritage Sector in Belarus for the European Union sponsored program Culture and Creativity.
Mariana Patiño Osorio – ICOMOS Colombia

Mariana Patiño Osorio is an architect with advanced European studies in cultural heritage, PhD in architecture from the University of Seville, Spain, with 37 years of experience in the management of urban and architectural heritage projects. Manager of the Bogotá Planning Heritage and Urban Renewal Office, she is also in charge of the Documentation Center at the Ministry of Culture. She is the author and editor of the book Monumentos nacionales de Colombia and others. For more than 10 years, she has been a university professor of urban renewal and heritage subjects, and has written in indexed journals. She recently supports ICOMOS International as a reviewer for World Heritage nominations.
Jeanine Abdul Massih – ICOMOS Lebanon

Jeanine Abdul Massih
Jeanine Abdul Massih earned her PhD from Paris I-Sorbonne on Town Planning and Classical Architecture (her doctoral thesis on the Gypsum Plaster and Stone Construction at the site of Dura-Europos, Syria). She is a Professor of Archaeology at the Lebanese University. She specialises in classical architecture and technologies, conservation of immovable heritage and site management. She directed the project on the Megalithic Quarries of Baalbek (Lebanon), the archaeological investigations on the city of Batroun (Lebanon) and also the joint Syrian-Lebanese mission of Cyrrhus Nebi Houri (northern Syria).
Ricardo Beheran – ICOMOS Uruguay

RBeheran 1
Architect since 1979, he studied the restoration and conservation of buildings. Ricardo Beheran was Professor of Preliminary Architectural Design (Taller Folco) at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of Uruguay and the University of the Republic of Uruguay from 1988 to 1995. He has been a member of the Permanent Special Commission of Carrasco and Punta Gorda (CEP) since 1999 and was Honorary President from 2002 to 2009. Also elected Honorary Chairman of the Steering Committee and Follow-up of the Special Plan of spatial planning, protection and enhancement of the Carrasco and Punta Gorda heritage territory from 2002 to 2009., he is now involved in several theoretical and practical activities of research, management and execution of heritage works.
Shadi S. Ghadban – ICOMOS Palestine

Shadi Ghadban Picture
Associate Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering/ Faculty of Engineering and present-day Dean of Arts, Music and Design at Birzeit University, Palestine. Dr. Ghadban academic and research activities are oriented towards the problems of local traditional architecture, housing and urban issues. His scientific work has been published in well-known international referred journals, international and regional conferences and seminars. He has wide experience as an academic consultant and coordinator of several international cooperation projects between his Department and local and international academic and professional institutions. He worked as consultant in several strategic planning and capacity building projects; yet, he designed and managed several architectural projects in Algeria and Palestine, including rehabilitation projects in the cities of Bethlehem, Hebron and Tulkarem.
Takeshi Ishizaki – ICOMOS ISCS (International Scientific Committee for Stone)

Takeshi Ishizaki works as a professor at the Institute for Conservation of Cultural Property (ICCP), within the Tohoku University of Art and Design. He graduated from the Department of Geophysics, and later obtained a Ph.D. in science from Hokkaido University. He was an assistant professor at the Institute of Low Temperature Science of Hokkaido University, where he studied the mechanism of frost damage on stone cultural artifacts. Ishizaki has long carried out research on the moisture regime in historical buildings and sites, utilizing simulation techniques to develop appropriate protective measures as well as to further understand the environmental conditions of historical buildings and sites.In 2007, he was appointed as a director of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques of the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo. Then in 2013, he became a deputy director of the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, before working for the ICCP.
Mariana Correia – ICOMOS ISCEAH (International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage)

Mariana Correia foto
Mariana Correia has a PhD in Heritage Conservation (Oxford, UK) and a Master in Earthen Architecture (CRAterre-ENSAG, France). She is the President of Escola Superior Gallaecia, a school of architecture and arts in Portugal, where she teaches ‘Theory and History of Conservation and Restoration’ and coordinates the Dissertation course. She also leads several international research projects (VerSus, Seismic-V, 3dPast). She is a mission expert and an ICOMOS World Heritage Advisor, a Board Member of PROTERRA Iberian-American Network, and a Board member of two Heritage Foundations: in Portugal (FCO) and Spain (FAFB). She is an ICOMOS Portugal Board member and an ICOMOS CIAV expert. Mariana Correia is the author and co-editor of 23 books and 150 chapters and papers. She was awarded in 2017 with the European Prize of Architectural Heritage Intervention (AADIPA-Cat.D) and was recognised by the European Commission for her work as VerSus Project Coordinator.
And also the new Presidents whose biography will be available soon: Claus-Peter Echter (CIVVIH), Caroline Jäger-Klein (ICOMOS Austria), Ar Hj Hajeedar Abdul Majid (ICOMOS Malaysia), Gideon Koren (ICLAFI), Claude Borg (ICOMOS Malta).
ICOMOS is pleased to introduce you to its new National and International Scientific Committee Presidents.
Discover their rich professional experience and academic background in the short presentations below!
National Committees:
Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa new committee president ICOMOS Bahrain

Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa - President of ICOMOS Bahrain
Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa holds an MA in Museum Anthropology (Columbia University) and an MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development (University College London). His main interests revolve around nature-culture interlinkages and the role of international conventions in protecting heritage. He has served as Director of Antiquities and Museums at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities since 2016, and previously has worked for the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage. During his ten years working in the public and non-governmental sectors, he was engaged in a number of initiatives and projects aimed at safeguarding natural and cultural heritage, both on national and international levels. He was elected President of ICOMOS Bahrain in February 2019.
Elsa Turkusic new Committee President Bosnia Herzgovina ICOMOS

Elša Turkušić - President of ICOMOS Bosnia-Herzegovina
Elša Turkušić holds a M.Sc. and PhD in architectural and urban design. She is a Senior Teaching Assistant at the Design Department at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sarajevo and a correspondent for the magazine A10 New European Architecture (Netherlands). She has been working in the fields of architectural design, architectural research and protection of cultural and historical heritage. Recently, she was a member of the editorial board for the publication and exhibition entitled “RESTART- Architecture in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995-2010”. She is a member of the Sarajevo Architects' Association and Bosnia-Herzegovina's voting member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage.
Nato Tsintsabadze New Committee President ICOMOS Georgia

Nato Tsintsabadze - President of ICOMOS Georgia
Nato Tsintsabadze is a conservation architect. She graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 1987 and obtained her MA degree in Post-War Recovery Studies (1997-1998) at the University of York (UK). She is one of the founders of the National Trust of Georgia and sits on its Board. She became a member of ICOMOS in 1993 and served as Secretary General and Coordinator of International Projects of ICOMOS Georgia since 1999. She is also an author and co-author of several publications including Towards the Future, National Policy of Cultural Heritage Sector of Georgia (2014) and Introducing Young People to the Protection of Heritage Sites and Historic Cities - An Introduction Course for Schoolchildren. She was elected President of ICOMOS Georgia in February 2019.
Clara Arokiasamy new President ICOMOS UK

Clara Arokiasamy - President of ICOMOS-UK
Clara Arokiasamy is the founder of KALAI, which focuses on organisational development and international consultancy. She was Deputy Director Operations at UK’s Heritage Lottery Fund, a member of the Culture Committee at the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Vice President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage and a member of the Strategic Review Committee at ICOM International. Clara has consulted on cultural heritage in Europe, Canada and America for academic, community, arts and heritage sectors. She continues to deliver papers on cultural heritage in the UK and abroad regularly and comments on equality and social justice issues in the treatment and management of culture and heritage.
Eran Mordohovich new Committee President ICOMOS Israel

Eran Mordohovich - President of ICOMOS Israel
Eran Mordohovich is an architect. He holds a M.Sc. in the Conservation of Historic Buildings and Towns (Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation, Belgium). His master’s thesis dealt with the documentation and conservation of the Schocken House in Jerusalem, designed by Erich Mendelsohn from 1936-1938. He has worked as an architect for 22 years on various architectural planning, urban design and conservation projects in Israel and Belgium. He currently serves as the Northern Region Architect at the Israel Antiquities Authority and teaches at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning in Tel Aviv (Israel). He is also a visiting lecturer in Italy and Belgium. He has been a member of ICOMOS Israel since 2011 and the Chairman of the Board of ICOMOS Israel since November 2018.
Yasuyoshi Okada new Committee President ICOMOS JapanYasuyoshi Okada - President of ICOMOS Japan

Yasuyoshi Okada was born in 1949 in Osaka, Japan, and is an architectural historian. He holds a doctorate in engineering from Kyoto University in 1994 with a dissertation entitled Historical Study on the Spatial Specific in Mesopotamian Architecture. During his career he has worked on urban and architectural development mainly in the context of ancient West Asian civilization as well as the conservation of cultural properties. He was an Executive Committee member of ICOMOS Japan from 2005 to 2011, served as Vice President of ICOMOS Japan from 2013 to 2018 and is a national designated expert member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH). He is currently professor of the Institute for Cultural Studies of Ancient Iraq, Kokushikan University, Tokyo.
HRH Dana Firas new President ICOMOS Jordan

HRH Princess Dana Firas - President of ICOMOS Jordan
HRH Princess Dana Firas holds an MPA from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government focused on sustainable development and environmental policy, where she was a Fulbright Scholar. Her Royal Highness is a global advocate for heritage protection and preservation. She currently serves as President of the Petra National Trust (PNT), Jordan's oldest national non-governmental organisation in the field of heritage protection and preservation. She was designated a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in June 2017 by the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, in recognition of her outstanding commitment to heritage protection and preservation as pillars for sustainable development, and her contribution to responsible tourism andcommunity participation.
Saul Alcantara Onofre New Committee President ICOMOS Mexico1

Saúl Alcántara Onofre - President of ICOMOS Mexico
Saúl Alcántara Onofre graduated with a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Genova (Italy). He also holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a doctorate in design from the Metropolitan Autonomous University (Mexico), where he is also a tenured professor. Saúl Alcántara Onofre is an advisory member and former Vice President of ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL). He has also served as an expert for ICOMOS on ten nomination dossiers for inscription in the World Heritage List. Saúl Alcántara Onofre has published three books and written around 120 articles. In Mexico, he has worked on 30 restoration projects of monuments and cultural landscapes.
Zahraa Zawawi New Committee President ICOMOS Palestine

Zahraa Zawawi - President of ICOMOS Palestine
Zahraa Zawawi is an architect and urban planner. She graduated from the University of Birzeit with a bachelor’s degree in architecture in 1996. She also holds a master's degree in urban and regional planning from An-Najah National University in Palestine and a PhD in urban studies from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She has worked on several urban planning and conservation projects in Palestine between 1996 and 2013. She worked at Al-Quds Bard College as a visiting assistant professor from 2014-2016 and as the head of Urban Studies. She is an assistant professor and head of the Department of Urban Planning Engineering at An-Najah National University. She was recently elected president of ICOMOS Palestine.
José Carlos Hayakawa Casas New Committee President ICOMOS Peru

José Carlos Hayakawa Casas - President of ICOMOS Peru
José Carlos Hayakawa Casas is an architect. He holds a master’s degree in Urban Renovation from the National University of Engineering (UNI) and a PhD in Tourism from the University of San Martín de Porres. He has several postgraduate master’s degrees and specializations: Master in Urban Planning and Territorial Development (University of Strasbourg-France), Master in Restoration of Heritage (University of Alcalá-Spain) and Specialization in Politics and Culture Management (Metropolitan Autonomous University-México). He is a university professor and researcher in Peru and abroad. He also worked for the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima on Monumental Historical Heritage and Urban Regeneration as an advisor. He is the Director of the index journal on built heritage DE VENIR and of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Arts of the National University of Engineering. He currently serves as President of ICOMOS Peru.
Djellouli Aslam Sami Tunisie
Aslam Sami Djellouli - President of ICOMOS Tunisia
Aslam Sami Djellouli is an ecology expert. He holds a PhD in Ecology on the biology of populations from the Faculty of Sciences of Corté, Corsica, France. He specializes in vegetation studies, vegetal formation and forest landscapes; the evaluation of the state of conservation and restoration of ecosystems; the environment and sustainable development; and eco-tourism. He served as Director and President of the Environment and Biology Commission at the Federation for Subaquatic Activities of Tunisia (FAST) from 1990 to 2006. He is currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Science of Tunis and president of ICOMOS Tunisia.
International Scientific Committees:
Claus-Peter Echter – CIVVIH Historic Towns and Villages

Claus Peter Echter
Claus-Peter Echter is a scientific heritage consultant in private practice since 2008, working at the European and international level and based in Munich, Germany. He has a Ph.D in architecture (Dr.-Ing.). He has produced expert reviews on international heritage evaluations for historic cities. He is specialized in urban conservation and has given lectures and published many books and articles on Architectural History and (Urban) Monument Preservation.
See also
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